»狗万2017 »如何用最好的针迹手动缝制皮革



如果您的缝纫机可以舒适地缝制浓密的织物,则可以缝制大多数服装重量皮革。但是,这种舒适的情况存在一些问题 - 一方面,您的皮革对于机器来说很可能太厚了。它可能会使您跳过,缝制或更糟的是在普通家庭缝纫机的压脚下,更不用说向前移动并缝制皮革接缝了。



Here are some simple steps to sewing leather by hand

第1步Gather the supplies

Leather crafting is a very satisfying hobby that involves tools that may be very elaborate and expensive. But you can come up with some good leather work with the minimum basic tools too.

Read this post on the 30best hand sewing tools for leather here, 更多细节。


  • 锋利的旋转刀或真正锋利,坚固的精确刀。
  • 一种marking tool(特殊的皮革标记工具,形状像叉子或超缝轮) - 在皮革上均匀且相同距离标记缝线孔。您将需要一个标记工具,该工具将为您提供标记,并在针迹之间提供确切的距离。该数字将在工具上指示为每英寸5针。
  • 锥子制作(预先打击)缝制的孔。
  • 直皮革针(2个数字)You can use regular sewing needles if you are making holes before sewing. Otherwise you can use the leather needles with sharp triangular points at the tips for penetrating the leather.
  • 打蜡的亚麻线is the best for handstitching leather. Alternatives are thick cotton thread which you wax at home (Strengthen the cotton thread by passing through beeswax) or pre-waxed cotton cord. But linen thread is recommended by all experts.
  • 蜂蜡- 打蜡延长了线的寿命。它还可以防止缝制时线的磨损。

how to hand sew leather

Step 2 Prepare the needle and thread

Measure the area to be sewn. Multiply by 3. This is how much thread you should take on each of your needle; but make sure that the length is no more than 24 inches because it becomes difficult to manage longer than that.





Step 3 Prepare the leather

Thick leather needs to be prepared for sewing. If it is very thick you may even have to gouge channels to facilitate sewing. This will lessen the thickness of your leather layers. There are special chiseling tools or you can use the exacto knife to make these.

Mark the holes for stitching : It is a good idea to mark evenly spaced markings on the stitching line to make the stitches. You can use the stitching wheel to make uniform marks through which you can carry your needles.

how to hand sew leather

在这些标记上,您可以进一步制造孔 - 但是这些是在缝制皮革时制成的。制作每个针迹后,您可以在标记的标记的帮助下借助锥子。确保您正在制作统一的孔,这将足以携带针头 - 仅此而已。


Best hand sewing stitch for leather is a Saddle stitch. You can also make close whipping stitches.

You need clean tight stitches which are evenly made.

Leather sewing Hand stitches

Saddle stitch

You can also read aboutSaddle stitch here.


On your stitching line make the first hole with a sharp awl.Insert needle number 1 through the hole.

hand sew leather

It will look like this.


Now make the next hole. Bring the first needle (Needle A) through this second hole to the front side



Now take the second needle (Needle B) through the same hole to the back side.


( here you will be inserting both your needles through the same hole, one going to the front and the other going to the back – this actions is repeated to make the saddle stitches)


hand stitching stitches for leather






leather hand stitching



Never pull the thread very tightly after a stitch is made. You will distort the leather or worse tear. But you have to pull enough to make the stitch firm.

At the end of the stitches remember to back stitch to the previous hole, make a knot and cut the thread closely. You can use a soft hammer to make the stitches smooth.

了解更多Saddle stitch here.

Whipping stitch




This needle is used in places where you can sew with straight needles – when joining curved leather pieces. For eg labels for a tin. The curved edges can only be sewn using these curved needles.


Some very thick leather can be joined together using rivets. These are inserted after making suitable holes with a hole puncher and then the two sides of the rivets are joined together – this is a very sturdy joining method for the thick leather seams.

Learn more about hand sewing leather from the book – The Art of Hand sewing Leather by Al Stohlman.

相关文章 :Sewing Leather with a sewing machine;How to care for leather.


2 thoughts on “How to hand sew Leather with the best stitches”


